Our promise

Like you, we’re learning how to be more considerate of our environment all the time. As a business, we have the opportunity to consider the impact that our products have and will continue to have, on the environment. 

From the start we have discussed wanting to make sustainable decisions to reduce our impact on the environment and human health and hopefully inspire you and others to do the same.

We are continually looking for new ways we can be more sustainable, here are some of the commitments we've made so far.

Long lasting design
In a world of fast fashion, trends come and go. Which is why we incorporate simple designs that can be reused for years to come. The fibers used won’t lose shape or get holes and are UV resistant meaning the colour won't fade. So these socks won’t need to be thrown out...ever! Think of how many socks you’ve gotten rid of in the past 10 years due to being worn out or had holes that have ended up in landfill!

Reusability and recyclability
We use biodegradable packaging that can be re-used to return items. The yarns are made from completely recycled materials.

Sustainable materials
Our materials are made entirely from ocean and landfill waste. Materials including industrial plastics and fishing nets that have been completely recycled and regenerated into new material that otherwise would have ended up as waste, polluting our earth and destroying our oceans. 

Environmentally friendly factories
After alot of research and communication with different manufacturers we have a found an ethical,  family run factory with low MOQ (meaning we will only produce as many socks as we need) that uses only sustainable and eco friendly materials.

Sustainable fulfilment and distribution
Our packaging is minimal, lightweight and recyclable. Even better our mailing bag is biodegradable. The bag has double sided tape, in case a return is needed meaning only one delivery bag is needed to and from a customer!